What Does CBD Do?

The therapeutic potential of cannabidiol, or CBD, is unparalleled. This non-psychotropic cannabinoid compound is a chemical that triggers your brain and body’s receptors, as well as your cannabinoid receptors. What’s more, it has anti-oxidant, anti-spasm, anti-convulsant, anti-inflammatory, and neutron-protective properties, just to name a few. 

But with all of these properties and various clinical studies to show that it may be therapeutic for different conditions, what does CBD actually do? Read on to find out what the studies are showing us. 

Depressive-like Behaviors

While seeing if CBD could be helpful for sleep, researchers were able to notice an improvement in some psychiatric patients’ anxiety levels during a chart review. While they did not find it was useful for sleep, it did show promise for depressive-like behavior. 

For example, according to a Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy review, rodents showed less depressive-like behavior after taking CBD. Another review author stated that it seemed to act faster than conventional antidepressants. 

In a double-blind study led by the Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai, New York City, director Yasmin Hurd, recovering heroin addicts also noticed they had reduced cravings and cue-based anxiety. 


Many people experiencing pain related to inflammation, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions have stated that they noticed alleviation of that pain while using CBD. Studies have also shown that by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity, interacting with neurotransmitters, and reducing inflammation, CBD may be able to reduce chronic pain. 

In several countries, a cannabinoid oral spray called Sativex is approved to treat MS-related pain. This spray was included in a study of 58 people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, who noticed that they had improved pain levels during rest, sleep, and movement. 


In 2018, the FDA approved the use of a purified form of CBD for the treatment of epilepsy. Two types of epilepsy, in particular, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, tend to be challenging to control with other medication types. Therefore, CBD was approved to treat people over the age of three with those conditions. 

Cancer-Related Symptoms

According to several studies, CBD may be able to reduce cancer-related symptoms and side effects, such as pain, nausea, and vomiting. In fact, in one study of 177 people experiencing cancer-related pain who had no success with pain medication, they noted that they had reduced pain when treated with CBD and THC. 

Heart Health

Did you know an estimated 1.13 billion people suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension? High blood pressure is linked to a higher risk of conditions such as metabolic syndrome, heart attacks, and strokes. 

However, some studies show that CBD has the potential to possibly assist with high blood pressure. A study of nine men with a 600mg dose of CBD oil noticed a reduced resting blood pressure compared to those who received a placebo. More human studies are needed, but it may be a promising avenue to travel down. 

Quitting Smoking

Around 34.2 million adults in the United States smoke cigarettes, which is around 14 in every 100 adults 18 years or over. While many of these people probably want to quit smoking, the American Heart Association says cigarettes can be as hard to give up as heroin or cocaine.

However, there may be hope with CBD oil. A pilot study in 2013 showed that smokers who used CBD-containing inhalers smoked fewer cigarettes than they usually would and even stopped craving nicotine. 

A later 2018 study found that some people noticed reduced cravings and tobacco withdrawal because they felt more relaxed with CBD. 

We’re Just Getting Started

Research is ongoing into the possible benefits of CBD for various conditions and ailments. While many studies are still in their infancy, there’s no denying that this non-psychotropic cannabinoid is piquing the curiosity of many sufferers looking for relief from their pain and suffering. 

Why not check out what CBD Sacred Oils has to offer? This company provides cold-pressed, full-spectrum CBD oil under 0.3% THC in one-month supply bottles. Contact us today for more information!

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